The Adventure Continues...

June 19th, 2021

If you want me to cut to the chase and get back to reading—because who could get enough of a random hiker guy complaining about his feet on the internet—head to Amazon and pick up an ebook or paperback copy of my novel Crunch: A Million Snowy Steps Along the Pacific Crest Trail.

These blogs (which I thank you for reading, by the way) were a sort of rough novelization of my journal while I worked my way north on the PCT, with the intent to convert them into a series of books when I had the time. Now that I’m taking a break from mountains to be a dad, the Sierra section between Kennedy Meadows and Sonora Pass is officially converted into a book I’m very proud to have sitting on the shelf in my living room.

Common feedback I hear from people is that they’ll miss reading the story alongside the pictures and video, and I understand that. If I had all the money in the world, I’d make a series of hardbacks filled with pictures right alongside my writing… but those cost $60ish each to print, believe it or not, and I’m not sure anyone but my mother would wince their way through dropping $70 or $80 to purchase a book with some snowy pictures inside.

So I set up a Photo Companion to Crunch, which is replacing the original Sierra blogs. The Photo Companion is free and open for anyone to peruse, but it’s broken down by chapters so people reading the book can look at the pictures and video from the day (or days) covered by the corresponding chapter. For example, Chapter Five covers my hike on May 12, 2017, so anyone reading Chapter Five could go to the Photo Companion, click on Chapter Five, and see all the media from that day. It’s not necessary to understand the book, simply a bonus addition for those who want to see where we were and what we were up against out there, just in case the author failed at describing it well enough…

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading up until this point, and I really hope you’ll consider buying a copy of my book. That’s how I know you like what you’re seeing, and offers me not only financial support, but also motivation to write the next one.


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