Chapter Twenty-One: Bear Creek

*This is a photo companion to my book, Crunch: A Million Snowy Steps Along the Pacific Crest Trail, available on Amazon here.

May 29, 2017

Sallie Keyes Lakes

Downclimbing very steep snow off of Selden Pass.

Downclimbing very steep snow off of Selden Pass.

Following Bear Creek, trying to find a reasonable crossing.

Following Bear Creek, trying to find a reasonable crossing.

Bear Creek at dawn. Brr.

Bear Creek at dawn. Brr.

Snowbridges over the major Bear Creek tributaries.

Our savior next to Bear Creek. Thor's pack can be seen on the other bank.


This damn creek won't stop until we're floating downstream!

Amped, enjoying some well-deserved lunch.

On top of Bear Ridge before the steep descent to camp.

Thor, doing his best to stay upright. Amped, failing.

Walking across Mono Creek on a thank-God bridge.

VVR Junction. Usually a tad busier...

Camp on trail for the night. This might not go over so well in July...


Total mileage along the PCT: 879

Total mileage with detours: 939